Serious Medical/Mental Illness. Or a general well being thread


Jul 9, 2017
All of us have at least one thing that sets us apart from others. Some have birthmarks, or maybe born deformities. But it isn’t always the visible alements or illnesses that plague us the worst.

I did want to get this notice out of the way. By no means am I doing this to try and grab sympathy, attention, or boost my ego. I am doing this because I feel like people need to see it. With anyone having trouble with things that aren’t exactly visible. Like most commonly depression and anxiety.

I want this thread to be available to all. To give people a look into what it’s truly like to be us. To be able to help each other, to put aside our different beliefs and thoughts. And just be humans, helping other humans to understand, or to see. Firstly, I want to start with my story. Or mainly what I have to deal with daily.

Who I really am:
While most people here may know me as just a nobody, others who have been around the WW3RP side of things already know who I am. Or also if you’ve been paying attention to me, which I doubt anyone has.

I am a simple man. Having been born in a very agricultural focused part of the Eastern US to a family of heavily religious, far right aligned parents. Now despite that I was raised well. And my parents did well to try and give me a normal childhood. And as time went on. And the internet became more of a more cheaper and prevelent thing. I owned a laptop. Which I would conduct research on, watch YouTube when it was still in its infancy. And try and do school work.

Now something I never really noticed until I got older was that when I was born. I was diagnosed with a hereditary heart disease. Which basically means most of one of my heart valves just doesn’t work. But it didn’t seem to hinder me too much.

In school I was relatively popular, and respected by all. I was known as the kid who’d go out of his way to help others and do things for others with nothing expected in return.

Honestly up to there my life was perfect. Absolutely wonderful, I had thought I truly was a gift to all. But during the Eigth Grade, my grandfather. Who up to that point was basically my father, due to my biological father not being really available due to him having to work for so long and most times I wouldn’t even be awake to meet him when he came home. Had passed due to Parkinson’s Disease. And then I began to change and I went through the grieving process. And due to me beginning my process through puberty, it didn’t really do much better for me.

So finally after two years of confusion, hormonal imbalances, and very slight physical changes. I had finally gathered up the courage to tell my parents that something wasn’t right within me. So we went to the doctors where I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety. And began treatment via meds and therapy.

But it only gets worse from there. Nothing seems to help. I became nicotine dependent at 13. Using older friends I had buy me packs of smokes. Which I’d suck down in a day... At 13 fucking years old. While most of the kids my age were busy with their phones. I was smoking like a vet.

It was also around that age where I had gotten into a bad accident. Resulting in my near decapitation by just the grace of whoever was watching over me. As well as being treated and diagnosed with a TBI. And if that isn’t enough for me already. Same year I drown in a private pool and I’m pronounced dead for five minutes before being revived. At 14 I drown two more times. At 15 I have my throat slit, as well as having my right middle, ring, and pinkie finger degloved. How I’m still alive baffles me to this day. And there are so many more little things that I could go on for days about.

Finally after 16 fucking years on this earth, and with most of them it feels like just suffering with depression and anxiety. I attempt suicide, one by firearm. Specifically my TTC Tokarev, another by overdose, one by cutting, and finally another by hanging. All times have failed thankfully.

After recovery I was rediagnosed with crippling depression and anxiety. Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, psychosis, as well as a condition within the brain that when overloaded with stress, or anxiety. Would cause the pain receptors to fake symptoms similar to complete paralyzation, partial paralyzation, extreme pain, and overall a sense of just “I’m fucking dying.”

Ever since then I’ve continued therapy of every type, and medication of nearly every type. And if my nicotine dependence wasn’t enough, I became a alcoholic at 17, and I’ve done drugs, a lot of them. All this shit just so I could try and feel relatively “human” or be accepted as one.

Finally, at my age of 19 now. I’ve managed to clean up my act... Mostly. I’ve been sober for over a week. And sober in terms of substances for nearly a year now. After I had lost a childhood friend to a heroin overdose back in November. And now being able to see a bit more clearer. I’ve took it to try and go back to my roots, to help others who may be going through some real shitty times. I may be far from any sort of doctor, but I’ve seen so many I could basically have a PhD lmao. But seriously. I’ve found that speaking to those who understand you, who truly, TRULY care for you, and want to see you better. Are better then any sort of therapy or medicine for some.

I know that because I’ve been there. And I want to see YOU, get the help YOU need. Because we’re all different, but we’re all humans. And PLEASE! Please please please please! Help each other out too! What I may not be able to do or help with another may be your chance to possibly save a life. Let’s set aside all of our differences for once. And come together as a community.


ms paint artist extraordinaire
HL2 RP Administrator
Apr 26, 2016
big respect for talking about this man, sounds like you’ve been through the shitter and back. i’m glad to hear you’re back on track, seriously. best of luck to you

mental health is real. i hope everyone here is taking care of themselves and feeling okay

i’d make a proper post here but it’s 3am lol another time


Whatever happens, happens.
Oct 11, 2016
This whole pandemic thing has shown me that I hadn’t been keeping myself healthy, mentally and emotionally. A couple of relationships with people I genuinely cared about have turned into resentment towards each other
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Jul 9, 2017
This whole pandemic thing has shown me that I hadn’t been keeping myself healthy, mentally and emotionally. A couple of relationships with people I genuinely cared about have turned into resentment towards each other
While I am a massive stickler for others and to make sure they’re alright. It’s another thing I’ve noticed that it can take a toll on you mentally. What I can suggest to you is do what you can to focus on yourself, self healing especially. I’ve made the mistake before of trying to talk to people when I haven’t taken care of myself first, and it’s usually never ended well. But for the self healing part, I can’t really give any recommendations as it’s likely very different from me to you. Just find things that you like or do things that you enjoy. Or just go on long walks in a peaceful or nostalgic place for you and take time to reflect. And accept yourself before going out to patch up those relationships.
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Whatever happens, happens.
Oct 11, 2016
While I am a massive stickler for others and to make sure they’re alright. It’s another thing I’ve noticed that it can take a toll on you mentally. What I can suggest to you is do what you can to focus on yourself, self healing especially. I’ve made the mistake before of trying to talk to people when I haven’t taken care of myself first, and it’s usually never ended well. But for the self healing part, I can’t really give any recommendations as it’s likely very different from me to you. Just find things that you like or do things that you enjoy. Or just go on long walks in a peaceful or nostalgic place for you and take time to reflect. And accept yourself before going out to patch up those relationships.
Thanks bro, this shit means a lot
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Jul 9, 2017
Thanks bro, this shit means a lot
While I may not be able to help with everything any anything. It means absolutely everything to me that I’m able to help people who need it. I guess you could consider me a therapist who gives actual methods and actually cares and doesn’t cost you a fortune lol


Apr 26, 2016
Well I have nothing to say but "holy shit", @Clokr - but I'm proud you're finally on the road to recovery!

It just goes to show that even when we know people in a community, we really don't. We don't know what's going on in their lives (most of the time) - and that's why kindness goes a long way.
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john rebelrp
Apr 26, 2016
I'd like to think I, at this point, probably have enough clout in the field of illness to speak on matters like this.

Clokr, mate, always recognise that you're an absolute legend for dealing with what you deal with, and recognise the fact that - while your body may not be perfect, your mind is and where physical ailments may win in their respective fields, they've never truly won until they've taken your mind down as well. I've always said that there's two sides to these battles; psychological and physical. Win the latter and they lose the former, they win the former and they win both.

Support matters. All of us are always here. You can feel free to friend me if you like, too.

Good luck, and - as cliche as it may come off - know that everything's always going to work out.
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Jul 9, 2017
It just goes to show that even when we know people in a community, we really don't. We don't know what's going on in their lives (most of the time) - and that's why kindness goes a long way.
And that’s why I made this thread in the first place. I wanted people to know and see that they are in fact not alone in this. I’m thankful for being articulate with my emotions, but I know others aren’t so lucky. I also wanted to make sure those who weren’t so lucky to survive attempts on their lives had a voice to share. Everyone here and I literally mean everyone, is like a brother or sister to me. I love everyone equally and individually. They all deserve kindness and to know that no matter what, I’ll always be here with open arms and a open heart to listen to them, and tell them what they can do.
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you should see me in a crown
Jun 21, 2016

I'm the ceo of mental illness


Jul 9, 2017

I'm the ceo of mental illness
Believe me when I say we’re all the CEO of Illnesses. Because we’re all in charge of our own bodies and lives. And the absolute most difficult part for all of us is accepting the fact that we’re so flawed and “undesirable” by society’s standards, even today.

I remember back in the 60s and 70s when my father was speaking about these times. Being deemed “mentally ill” was the same as being deemed “retarded” or a “fag” because you’d be outcasted by society and placed in a little box with the others. Almost like a concentration camp it feels like. Everyone wants to be normal but sadly that’s literally impossible for us.

But the way I see it is this. We’re all different, yes. We’re all flawed too, yes. But that’s what makes us US. We aren’t some freaks, we’re stronger then everyone else. Because everyone I know who’s dealt with depression, anxiety, PTSD, autism, aspergers, you fuckin name it. Are THE strongest people I fucking know. And I’m not talking about physical strength, I mean mental strength. For example I knew this man who was a avid visiter of the gym. And they were physically built like a fucking Abrams. I bet you they could lift a car and not even care. But they had the mind of a scared child. When people often associate physical strength they often think “oh wow they must be really scary.” Which most often they aren’t.

But most people who’ve dealt with a lot of shit in their lives, like you I don’t doubt at all have seen some seriously messed up things too. Are the strongest folks I know. Because they understand that no matter how hard it may get. Just giving up isn’t an option. Because if they did they’d be dead. This isn’t a matter of “oh no my date got cancelled.” Or “oh no my SO broke up with me!” It’s a matter of “if I don’t really pay attention, and look after myself. I will end up like so many others.”

Especially those who’ve gone through HRT or reassignment. Those are the real MVPs in my book. Going through all of that shit? I honesty doubt I’d be able to do it myself. My heart bleeds for them. They’re such amazing people that they should be the ones we look up to and say, “yknow what? They were the real ones. Going through all that to become who they really are.”

I’m sorry I’ll stop writing an essay for now lol, but I’d be happy to go on further if you’d like.
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Deleted member 1392

glad you got sober and stuff. at the start of the year i remember going to school and downing up some whiskey bottles for the 'hehe funny im cool', but also to just loosen up and stop being a socially awkward moron. i eventually stopped being so detrimental to myself and healed up a bit. i'm still a wreck and shit like that, i got a lot to improve but hey, glad you're doing good because there are some things here and there that i can relate with you.


Jul 9, 2017
wholesome thread makes me very happy

in other news anyone here in the "getting past self-harm" gang?
I’m still working on getting past it myself. Not a very easy journey at all. What I tend to do is just look at all the scars I’ve already got and tell myself before I think about doing it, “This hurts my friends and family more then it hurts me.”
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May 15, 2016
I’m still working on getting past it myself. Not a very easy journey at all. What I tend to do is just look at all the scars I’ve already got and tell myself before I think about doing it, “This hurts my friends and family more then it hurts me.”
It’s difficult but thats the right path, that and another tip is to keep in your mind that if there is a need to cope, there are better ways, always.
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